New year new me
Another new year startled us today. somewhere between the night’s meanderings to a warm bed, after the clock has already struck a repeated chime marking the change of the calendar (because we can record the change of the year and skip it in all time zones) and after morning coffee, sunrise, prayers or routines – the weather has changed, and so have we.
The Wasatch is abuzz with new recreational activities as the snow settles on the site.
Although this mountain range sits above a large metropolitan area, it retains pockets of wilderness refuge still hidden from its own mountain refugees. These pockets of frozen weather are still filled with change. no man sets foot in the same Wasatch twice, for it is not the same Wasatch, nor the same man….
I wonder what our old settlers, the miners, would think if they saw my earrings, made of 150 year old rusty mining metal, dug up on the Millwood 100M “course”. a byproduct of destruction and resource management, forgotten on a mountainside, found and collected while searching for a sense of place in the mountains I inhabit, and created by my boyfriend as a token of memory and appreciation. the strange way these mountains touch us, and their history.
Every year on the eve of the New Year, I read Burns’ poems. The words that became songs were often half drunk and half sung with proper interpretation. Every year I stopped to think about the friendships, people and places that influenced my journey to where I am, and this year these lines came out as I walked through them. We pick flowers in the mountains, but since the sunny days we have all taken a lot of tired walks … Summer is always nostalgic. Especially in the summer of Wasatch, where laughter is scattered on the top of the mountain, the sun reflects on the quartzite. , Confetti of scattered flowers. But like all the nostalgic ones, we can enjoy them at that moment as long as our desires allow, giving up those moments and nostalgia interpretations at the moment they are over. These moments are “rethinking passion only in memory.” assalamu alaykum 2017. With the renewal of the revolution around the sun, tradition wants us to look back, renew and refocus on our goals as human beings. What’s your story Stations, recreational use, and resource profiling continue to transform Wasatch, but what’s the future?